A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to shoot Theory of a Deadman at the Bismarck Event Center. I have heard their songs on the radio a bunch of times, but had never made an effort to listen to anything that wasn't playing on the radio. That was a mistake. These guys are awesome live! I hope that I can shoot them again! If you ever have the chance, you should take it and go see them!
The night was opened up by Lullwater, out of Athens, Ga. These guys are defiantly worth checking out! You can see more of them on their gallery here, or find their music on their Facebook page. After an awesome set by Lullwater, they cleared off the stage, and the Event Center got ready for Theory of a Deadman.
These guys have an awesome show. Tons of energy and they were a blast to shoot for! I have to say, that they have one of the better lighting guys in the industry! It seriously makes all the difference. I hope that he/she ends up seeing this post, and knows that they do an awesome job! Keep it up!! Check out the rest of the photos of Theory of a Deadman at the gallery here.