north dakota

L.H. Shoot!

Hey all! It's been a little while. With the holidays coming up, things have been crazy! If anyone ever tells you that life moves faster and faster as it goes by...they are TOTALLY right! Ugh!

A couple weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting Laura and her family! Although she didn't want any pictures of herself, she did of the kids! The shoot went really well and the pictures came out great!


After spending some time inside, we thought we would tempt the weather and get some shots outside. It had been pretty cold in Bismarck the week before, but we had luck on our side and it turned out to be a pretty nice day for some North Dakota Photography!


Although the cold North Dakota weather finally got to us, we had a really good time and it was a pleasure to have met such a great family! If you have any questions of this shoot, or one of your own, feel free to contact me anytime here or via Facebook!

Medora 2014

Hey! So, I had a pretty awesome day! The family and I went out to Medora, ND. To those that haven't been there, get there! It is gorgeous. I can hear all of you that HAVE been there, saying well..DUH! I know, I know! Check it off the list!

Why was I there? Well, I had the chance to shoot Kat Perkins! You may have seen her on The Voice. I have to admit, that I didn't have the chance to see her there, but after seeing her today I can see why she made it as far as she did!

Kat Perkins Audition: "Gold Dust Woman" - NBC

Kat Perkins Audition: "Gold Dust Woman" - NBC

The show was actually scheduled for a couple weeks back, but ended up getting rained out. I was pretty bummed, but then found out that I would be able to get access for the rescheduled show.

Once I got to the amphitheater, I was completely blown away by the view. I had seen pictures of the amphitheater but never realized how crazy steep the pit is! (My legs are STILL burning!) They do have an escalator built in, to help people down and then back up...but when I needed to leave, it wasn't available!

So, I go and find myself a spot out of the way and then soon realized that this shoot was going to be a bit of a challenge! The stage is primarily used for a yearly musical of the history of Medora, ND. Anyone that has ever been to the northern 1/3 of the country, probably knows that during the summer it stays light out MUCH later. Between the sun's light pouring into the amphitheater and the stage backdrops that are built in...left me with areas that were SUPER bright, and others that were completely shadowed! I feel like I pulled through and got some great shots!

The show opened with North Dakota locals Tigirlily! Not being a fan of country music, I had never taken any time to listen to them before, but wow! I am very impressed. If you haven't heard them yet, jump over to their facebook and check them out!

Kat Perkins-Tigirlily - 09072014 -3-Edit.JPG

Sisters - Kendra and Krista rocked the stage. Come to find out after getting home, that they are 18/16 years old?! What do you feed these kids in ND!? Wo. Very good! I am sure they had a blast and it was good to see people doing what they love!

Kat Perkins-Tigirlily - 09072014 -15.JPG

After 5-6 songs, Tigirlily headed off stage and the crews started the swap for Kat Perkins and her band to make their way out. Normally, I am like most of you and want the roadies and crew to swap as fast as possible and get the night going, but this time...I was hoping they would take as long as possible and help me out with the lighting! We got a fair mix. They were fairly quick, and the light was fair by the time that Kat hit the stage.

Kat Perkins-Tigirlily - 09072014 -54.JPG

Unfortunately, I didn't have the best of vantage points. I would have loved to have been more to the center, but I didn't want to get in the way of any of the 3000+ fans that made it out for the show. As I mentioned, this amphitheater wasn't constructed with photographers in mind!


It was an awesome day and great learning experience for me. I really enjoy shooting concerts and being able to capture all of the energy and passion that these artists have. I look forward to the other shows that I will be shooting in the future!

If you want to see more of the day, make sure to check out the concerts gallery! Congrats to both Tigirlily and Kat Perkins! You all did wonderful and made my weekend wonderful! Thanks again!

Prints: Price vrs. Value

As you know, there are tons of photographers out there. In my opinion, some new or part-time (and some full-time pros) will just shoot your photo regardless of quality, shove it through some third party software to "enhance" the pictures, burn them to a CD/DVD and sell them and the printing rights over to their clients to do whatever they wish with them.

This might sound like a great option for some clients out there. You may feel like you can get a better deal on prints from some online printer or local Walmart. If you are one of those that would be perfectly happy with this, let me plant a thought in your brain - Your intent in hiring a photographer for $200 - $3000+, to shoot pictures of you, your family, an event/wedding, etc, was to capture a moment in time that is special to you, that you want to last. Forever.

Don't you want your pictures to look the BEST they can? Assuming your Photographer does take pride in their work (as many do), ASK what lab/service they use to PRINT those photos!

These are some serious questions that you should be asking yourself AND your potential Photographer! Say you get your images on a CD, and you get them printed at your local Walmart/Target or maybe a cheap online printer. You might not notice the color shift or lack of sharpness. You might have your “mommy goggles” on and think that picture of your child is the best picture ever. And when your friends see that picture, they’re going to tell you,

“OMG! I love it! "Joe Smith" Photography did such a good job!”

You know what they’re saying inside?

“Ew, why is it green? Who took that picture? I hope she didn’t pay for that.”

And do you know who ends up looking bad? The Photographer. Not to mention, your prints just lost that photographer future business.

I'm not about to let anything like this happen. I care. I take a lot of time to shoot, edit, and process images to show my style and quality. I take pride in my pictures, and I stand behind my work. When clients come to me for their photos, it’s because they want special images and high quality prints and wall art, and I intend to deliver exactly that.

As for the actual prints themselves, not all printers are the same. Not all 8×10′s are created equal. Some of you gasp at the cost of prints by a custom photographer. You know Walmart charges $2 for an 8×10, so how in the world can "Joe Smith" Photography charge $40?! But let me give you this answer: Quality

This blog isn’t about the extreme expense that goes into running a legitimate tax-paying business and offering personalized service to you, or the amount of time and skill that goes into creating your images, far beyond the one hour you see the photographer shooting. Believe me, there’s a lot more that goes into it than you see during your shoot. 

Professional photographers use professional print labs. I don’t mean the camera store at the mall with pricier prints than the drugstore. Wolfe Camera is a good consumer printer to use for your vacation photos, but it is not a professional print lab. Professional labs offer higher quality photo paper, higher quality inks, and special coatings that ensure your images are resistant to finger prints, dust, and fading. "You get what you pay for." is an adage that the photography industry is not exempt from!

So...enough talk! Lets see exactly what I'm talking about!

Original Image

Original Image

"Awe, how cute!"

Right? (I'd say so! But then again, I may be a little biased.) As you may have read on the caption, this is the file of the original image I created. Lets take a look below, at what we got back from the printers.


Now, TRY your best to look at each print as an individual. Doesn't look TOO bad, right? But as a whole, you can clearly see that not all labs are the same! Even the Pro Lab that I tried, took some liberties with processing my picture. They ended up increasing the sharpness and saturation of the background. It does look pretty good, but is not what I had created. The sharpening and extra color, produces a much more "harsh" and distracting background. The original is much more soft and gentle.

As for the other four...where should I start?!

Walgreens Print

Walgreens Print

Walgreens - This photo would be the next best acceptable in my opinion. The only problem (yet unforgiving) that I find with this one, is the crazy "Hulk" tint Hannah now has. Maybe some of my inner geek is coming out and makes me think "What would my daughter be like if she were the next She-Hulk?"


Walmart Print

Walmart Print

Walmart - Well, what can I say about this one? My best guess? The color saturation is about as jacked as Mark McGwire during his record breaking season! This print also seems to not be as sharp of a focus as the original.

Target Print

Target Print

Target - As much as I love Target...this picture just isn't doing it for me. Colors have become muted and now have a orange/red hue to them. Focus is better than the Walmart print, but still. Not how the picture was shot.

Sam's Club Print

Sam's Club Print

Sam's Club - This print is pretty bad. the exposure is super high. Color is washed out. There is almost no detail left in the fabric of her shirt and the top side of her face. It is also blurry and well...blah.

In addition to all the print problems that I have quickly pointed out, I am willing to bet that the prints that were done at big box/online stores just simply will not last. I was at a friend's house a couple weeks ago and noticed a large canvas print of her family that she had hung over her mantle. She has very large, open windows in that room and should have made the picture look amazing. But it didn't. Something was off. As I commented on the picture, she was quick to explain that she had ordered and received the print from an online store just a few months ago, and it had already begun to visibly fade.

Even from the cheapest printers, canvas prints aren’t cheap. Now her investment in that print has gone to waste. She can spend more money and get a print from another lab/retailer, and try her luck again, but what if she couldn't? What if she somehow had lost the file and was unable to get another from the photographer? That moment is now lost. Even after the money she spent on the photographer, the cost of the print, etc. Gone.

SO! If I haven't been clear enough with you...Use these other places for your iPhone snapshots that are already out of focus and crooked because you had one too many beers on the sandbar! Please please please get your quality shots developed by a quality lab!